Mystery File 04: The Perplexing Prism
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Crime Scene: The evidence you need to solve this puzzle can be found on certain Murders at Karlov Manor cards.
I can’t trust my eyes . . . but whenever I do a double take, I’m met by a strange hue and cry. It seems like there’s an alternate reality.
After my latest shift on the job, I’ve determined that each guild has hidden an item somewhere around Ravnica. Fill the names of these items in on the chart on this page, one letter per square. Read the indicated letters to find your answer.
initial speculation from gorgon's kiss preview
On January 16th, gcores posted their preview card. It was posted with two versions - one with a red pillowcase, and one with a green. The article also had a blurb, the question is if Wizards gave it to them or if they wrote it themselves for fun (text translated from Chinese by my steadily degrading fluency.)
> Oh? Did you notice any difference between the two above cards?
> What clues were left at the crime scene? What is the significance of the two different colors? The dichotomy of investigation and conclusion gives this enchantment plenty of suspense. This fits perfectly with theme of the new set Murders at Karlov Manor
> The same card having different art is setup for this set's puzzles. Determining the murderer, crime scene, and murder weapon - how can these ideas be realized within the framework of Magic: The Gathering? I trust that as more cards are revealed, we'll be able to glimpse the full picture.
I can't tell if the article just wants to talk about adapting murder mystery tropes to a card game, or if the different colors *are* actually significant. On January 18th, the high res card art went up on the card gallery, and it was only the red pillowcase version, for whatever that means.
On January 28th, u/d13_cz posted on r/mtg that they had spotted other color variants in addition to the Gorgon’s Kiss preview. Prior to the release of this mystery file on 02-05, we were able to identify and gather images of all ten variants - those are under the ‘evidence’ fold.
the perplexing prism - evidence
Here are all of the known color variants. I've formatted the captions as `[difference] [card gallery color]/[variant color]`

the perplexing prism - solution
Once you find all the variants, this puzzle is pretty easy. Just fill in the objects on the RDA website as prompted and it'll spit out the answer for you - Dimir Informant. The connected MKM card is Furtive Courier, bearing the same sealed letter